Thereare so many definitions and interpretations of social value that navigatingthis can be overwhelming and challenging. So, where do you start when creatinga social value strategy?

Inan article for New Civil Engineer, Simetrica-Jacobs' CEO Dr. Mary-KathrynAdams outlines what we know about creating effective social value strategies. Thethree key takeaways are:

1.        A social value strategy should not be isolated –your social value strategy should align with your overall vision and mission,

2.        In terms of social value measurement, it isbetter to measure a few things well, rather than many poorly,

3.        A social value strategy is an iterative andliving guide that evolves based on your abilities and ambitions, local communityneeds and wider policy context.

Remember that to operationalise a social value strategy youshould build your in-house capacity, expertise and confidence in proportion toyour ambition.

If you want to find out how you can apply any of this inpractice, book a discovery session with Chief Economist @EdDallas.

You can read the full article in the New Civil Engineer: