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Issue 2: Cost-Benefit Analysis

Want to know more about how to incorporate wellbeing into a cost benefit analysis? We've got you covered.

Here are the highlights:

✅ 1. Why include it? Two key reasons. First, it's a robust way to understand how people experience interventions, so it keeps people at the centre of decision-making. Second, you're taking a big risk ifyou leave it out - missing opportunities to leverage impact and strengthen a value for money argument!

✅ 2. Conducting a CBA for a long-term programme? You've got to be pragmatic - there are standard ways to discount wellbeing benefits over time.

✅ 3. Don't forget the deadweight. Not every single change can be attributed directly to your project or programme. Don't skip this step - you risk undermining the evidence about your true impact.(...And we've developed a rigorous approach to deadweighting.)

❓ Need some help on any of the above? Wherever you are in the process, we can lend a hand. Book a free 1-1 with our Chief Economist, Edward Dallas.

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